The "Watch Out for Snakes!" Tour
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Andrew Morris
2017-07-18 00:32:29 UTC
Kinda weird that nobody's mentioned the live tour yet, so I'll mention
it. Anyone else gone?

I had a friggin' BLAST at the Vic last night, catching both "Eegah!"
and "[secret film]" back-to-back. There is a certain continuity between
the two shows, from what I could tell. I think they assumed a lot of
people would be catching both shows, and from the number of people they
lined up on the balcony stairs to get their second tickets scanned,
they assumed right.
Andrew "Retro-Man" Morris
2017-07-18 21:38:43 UTC
On Mon, 17 Jul 2017 19:32:29 -0500, Andrew Morris
Post by Andrew Morris
Kinda weird that nobody's mentioned the live tour yet, so I'll mention
it. Anyone else gone?
First I've heard of this, but not the first time this Summer I've been
warned to watch out for snakes:

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Needless to say, as soon as I saw that sign my first thought was of

Unfortunately the closest the tour gets to me is Baltimore on a
Wednesday evening, which is just too far away for a middle-of-the-week

-- Bob
